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The Kiddiegram is guesstimate chart wheel as Mademoiselle Kiddie doesn't know the exact time of birth.
Here is "Saturday's Child's" partial Kiddiegram. Do you think she'll work hard for a living?
This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.
You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 24 Gem 21 Pluto 10 Cap 42
Moon 7 Vir 32 N. Node 16 Sco 07
Mercury 18 Can 25 Asc. 1 Pis 05
Venus 14 Can 54 MC 12 Sag 13
Mars 10 Gem 31 2nd cusp 14 Ari 28
Jupiter 27 Gem 32 3rd cusp 17 Tau 10
Saturn 5 Sco 14 5th cusp 4 Can 40
Uranus 12 Ari 06 6th cusp 28 Can 55
Neptune 5 Pis 21
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 07:01:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, her primary thrust in life, and what path she needs to follow in order to fulfill herself as a unique individual. It indicates who she is inside rather than the way she appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).
Sun in Gemini:
Restless, changeable, extremely inquisitive, bright, active, and always eager to see or learn something new, this child is likely to keep you on the go, delighting you with her intelligence and playful wit, and possibly wearing you out with her seemingly endless need for entertainment, mental stimulation, and interaction.
She is quite a social creature, is apt to be an early and avid talker, and she loves to converse.
She is a very mental creature, basically, and she has a keen interest in words, language, ideas, communicating, telling and hearing stories, and learning about the world in all of its fascinating variety. Books and puzzles may well be her favorite playthings. She does tend to flit from one activity to the next, however, and her concentration and attention span may be quite short. She grasps concepts quickly and is easily bored. She needs to develop depth, focus, and patience in order to use her considerable intelligence to the fullest.
Nimble and quick in both mind and body, she is likely to be "on" all of the time and she may not even want to stop to rest or eat. It can be hard to settle her down at bedtime and, especially during her early years, her sleep may be light, sporadic, and easily broken. Food is also not especially interesting to her. (Eating it, that is. She may love to play with it.) Very likely she "eats like a bird," and she may need to be gently encouraged to eat regularly and substantially.
She is flexible, craves variety and novelty, and adapts well to change. She has a mischievous side and is quite fond of pranks and playing tricks. In fact you may find it difficult to get her to be serious and to stop fooling around. She can usually be coaxed out of a sour mood by the use of humor or silliness, and she cannot resist word-plays or puns. She is very witty herself, but she may be oblivious to the emotional impact her words have on others.
She is a child who can be reasoned with from a rather young age. Unless other factors in her chart indicate otherwise, she is not very emotional, and may be bewildered or frightened by great outbursts or displays of emotion in others. She is even likely to point out to you the inconsistencies in your line of reasoning!
Sun Conjunct Jupiter:
North is an optimistic soul, and her goodwill and generosity make her very well-liked. She enjoys life, expects the best, and freely shares whatever she has with others. Pettiness and smallness do not appeal to her at all. She can be extravagant and wasteful because she has the inner sense that she will always be provided for, or "there is always more where that came from." She needs to learn to have a sense of moderation and proportion, as she tends to overdo (for example, overeat, overspend, etc.).
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, her intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Cancer:
North's mind is like a sponge, quietly absorbing the thoughts and opinions of those around her, and she has a very retentive memory. She is very subjective in her opinions and perceptions of the world; she is more intuitive than linear and rational in her thinking.
Mercury Conjunct Venus:
North is persuasive in a charming and gracious way. She is a natural diplomat and peace-maker, and she likes to bring people together socially.
She also uses words well and enjoys "painting pictures with words." Literature and poetry are likely to be pronounced interests of hers.
The MOON in the birthchart indicates how she deals with and expresses feelings, how she experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what her emotional needs are, and what she needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Virgo:
North is a very precise and particular little person, and she can be frighteningly tidy, neat, and organized. She enjoys and needs order in her environment, and wants everything "just so." She finds confusion or disorganization in her environment really bothersome.
North has a very helpful nature and she needs to be of practical assistance to others. She enjoys tending and caring for plants, animals, and people, especially if they are sick. Preparing food or using her hands to make arts or crafts (especially functional pieces) can be very satisfying to her. An interest in nutrition or health will be in evidence when she is older. She may tend to be overconcerned with her own "boo-boos" or health problems.
She can easily be engaged in doing domestic chores or other tasks. She likes to be useful and may feel that she needs to be useful in order to be a worthwhile person. She likes to be busy.
North is frequently rather hard on herself, demanding perfection of herself, and feeling guilty if she does not live up to her own high standards. She tends to be her own worst critic, and sometimes she will not even attempt to do something that she has never attempted before, for fear that her efforts will just not be good enough. Frequent assurances that mistakes and failures are okay, a natural part of the learning process, can help her overcome this tendency.
She has a rather sensitive nervous system and may instinctively avoid boisterous people, noisy social gatherings, jarring music, and the like. Quiet pastimes, such as reading, going for a nature walk, or working on her creative projects, suit her best.
Moon Opposition Neptune:
North is rather impressionable and gullible where other people are concerned, especially when her sympathy has been stirred. She needs to avoid negative people and surroundings as she tends to absorb whatever is in her environment. She also has a dreamy, imaginative side and she does not always distinguish fact from fiction. Sometimes she so wants to believe something that she tells herself it is true, with very little basis. Try to teach her discrimination, but do so gently, for she is quite sensitive and easily hurt.
Moon Square Mars:
North has a rather quick temper. Sudden outbursts and rash actions based on impulse, emotion, and the heat of the moment may be common occurrences. Her anger is likely to be short-lived, however, if she is allowed to express it rather than stifle it. She needs to learn acceptable outlets for her feelings (i.e. "You can smash the pillow, but not your little brother. . ."). Martial arts may be an excellent way for her to learn to channel and direct her strong feelings.
Moon Trine Pluto:
North feels intensely and cares passionately about the people, places, and things she is attached to. She is very persistent and often irresistibly convincing when she wants something or is swept up by her emotions.
She is not casual or superficial, emotionally.
Moon Sextile Saturn:
North prefers an orderly, organized, fairly structured environment, and she feels uncomfortable with too much unpredictability or chaos around her. Excessive displays of emotion or sentimentality also put her off somewhat, and she is careful about showing her own feelings.
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Cancer:
A warm home, loving family relationships, and emotional closeness are extremely important to North. When she feels secure and loved, she is one of the most caring, sympathetic, and emotionally supportive children you could imagine. But, she will cling and be very possessive or jealous if she does not feel truly loved. She is inclined to have a few close friends that she cherishes rather than a lot of acquaintances.
Venus Opposition Pluto:
North's love needs and feelings are very strong, and sometimes they are not reciprocated or responded to with as much intensity as she would like. She can be difficult to satisfy or please; sometimes, jealousy, possessiveness, or trying to control others can be a problem. She needs to learn to keep her perspective about people and to allow them their freedom.
Venus Square Uranus:
North is independent and rather unpredictable in her choice of friends. She is likely to have a number of on again-off again, changeable, fluctuating, or unusual friendships. She needs a lot of freedom and does not like to be limited or restrained by her friends, and she can suddenly turn cool toward a person if they try to possess her.
MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert herself.
Mars in Gemini:
North is a busy bee, always active, restless, and on-the-go, but she tends to lack concentration and stamina. She tends to run on nervous energy. She uses cleverness, words, and reasoning power to defend herself, rather than force.
Mars Sextile Uranus:
North's energy level tends to be quite high but somewhat erratic. She has a daring, impulsive side and a taste for excitement and danger, even as a young child. She is likely to be quite willful, also.
JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how she seeks to grow and improve herself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Gemini:
From early in her life, North will bombard you with questions, both big ("Why did Sparky have to die?") and small ("Where do crayons come from?"). Although these inquiries may seem philosophical, she is really seeking facts to help her better understand the world. Even at a preverbal age, she will be intensely inquisitive and curious, which may make her physically restless, squirmy, and ever eager to be moving. She'll be a splendid traveler and companion on journeys whether long or short, especially if a new destination lies ahead.
This is the child who as a baby wants to be carried everywhere--not only for closeness and company but also in order to see what's happening. She excels at gathering information and at what we adults might refer to as "networking." She'll make the acquaintance of everyone in the neighborhood, loves talking long distance on the telephone, and would truly enjoy having foreign pen pals or visiting some distant land as an exchange student. Making these connections gives her confidence in herself.
As a very young child, North will have an insatiable desire for stories. Story tapes can satisfy this in part, but she'll really prefer being told stories. She is a lover of knowledge, words, ideas, gadgets, even trivial information for its own sake. She also has a flair for computers, and for games and puzzles with an intellectual twist. She seeks to grow through the use of her intelligence and through intellectual exchanges with others.
The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which she is especially insecure, about which she is most serious, and/or in which she works hardest or is hardest on herself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become her greatest strengths.
Saturn in Scorpio:
Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that North encounters are apt to be kept to herself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from her brooding silences or her withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against her by intensifying her turmoil. Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion. At times, therefore, she'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me." The truth is that it can be hard to get to know her, because she doesn't readily trust others. If she has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" her feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing her tensions. If not, she is likely to suffer from guilt for her strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.
Saturn Trine Neptune:
As she meets obstacles and difficulties, one ally North has is her faith and spirituality. This is something she will tend to take for granted as she doesn't like to discuss it much. A close spiritual connection to a grandfather or grandmother can also be strengthening for her.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Aries:
FREEDOM for the individual is of utmost importance to this age group. They are some of the most extreme when it comes to following their own inner spark as opposed to adhering to the rules or guidelines imposed by outside authority. They are infused with a powerful spirit of adventurous freedom, self reliance, and revolution, and are in no way passive if their personal freedoms are impinged upon. Many will be seen as incendiary troublemakers.
Uranus Square Pluto:
Born during a period of massive change and disruption in the world, North is part of a group of souls destined to undergo radical severance from many of the old ways of life. Because of this, many of them will hold tightly to whatever security they can find, and be quite resistant to change in their worlds. Some, however, will be deeply iconoclastic and instigators of further transformation of the society they are a part of.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Pisces:
Profoundly mystical forces are washing over the collective psyche of this group. The life of the soul becomes paramount. Water also becomes a primary concern. Healing waters, fountains, and springs with supernatural powers, as well as being "washed" with the Holy Spirit may play important roles.
PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Capricorn:
Those born during these years (2008-2023) struggle to transform corruption, greed, and the control of power and natural resources in the world around them. Large, impersonal institutions and the heavy handed authoritarianism that breaks them up will be challenged by these children as they grow up. They will be profoundly influenced by witnessing the way power is wielded by their fathers and other authorities they encounter. Cynicism and upheaval may result if integrity, wisdom, and a positive use of masculine strength is not modeled for these children.
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